2019 New Year Membership Special

Details to Come!

Slide FIRST 10 SIGNUPS: $39
($49 after first 10)
30 days of core-centered goals! Workouts focused on improving your core, progress checking, a group workshop, and 5 Saturday's of group training with a personal trainer! KICK-OFF JANUARY 6th, 2024

We are back!

About the LAC 30-Day Core Challenge: If you are interested in joining a group of like-minded individuals on a quest for better health, less joint pain and more energy - you are in the right place!

Week 1 Kickoff!

Saturday, January 6th

We are kicking things off by getting a baseline strength measurement for everyone! You want to see your core get measurably stronger in JUST 30 days? Join us in taking your baseline core strength measurement. We will record how long you can hold a plank for on Day 1, and then retest at the end of 30 days to see exactly how much stronger you are! Afterwards, you will join Chase for your first group workout at 10am. In addition to the workout she has provided, you will be given an extra, core-specific, workout that will directly improve your plank hold times!


Saturday, January 13th

Join a second trainer- Khino for another AWESOME group workout at 10am! In addition to the workout he has provided, you will be given an extra, core-specific, workout that will directly improve your plank hold times! Your contact throughout the month will be Fitness Manager Chase (text: 503-473-5630) from Lloyd Athletic Club, and she will help with any questions or issues you may have during the challenge.


Saturday, January 20th

In addition to weekly emails with workouts you can do on your own-between weekend group workouts, recovery tips and encouragement - we will be offering an optional workshop titled: “Core Bliss: Banishing Back Pain ” that will happen after Saturday's workout. This workshop will replace the core-specific workout given at SGT. We encourage you to come to both, but if you can only make it to one, we suggest the workshop.


Saturday, January 27th

Join Khino for another AWESOME group workout at 10am. In addition to the workout he provides, you will be given an ADDITIONAL core-specific workout that will directly improve your plank hold times! Your contact throughout the month will be Fitness Manager Chase (text: 503-473-5630) from Lloyd Athletic Club, and will help with any questions or issues you may have during the challenge.

Plank time retest and our last group workout

Saturday, February 3rd

Resources, Accountability & RESULTS. For those who took a baseline plank measurement, we will be gathering BEFORE the workout to retest your max plank hold. We will also celebrate our accomplishments and maybe take a group photo! If you loved the challenge, loved the results you got, and loved working with some of our trainers, we will be offering a special discount on personal training. There is absolutely no pressure to buy anything, but this deal will NOT be offered outside of this challenge. We can’t wait to see you all there!


What do I get for my $49 ($39 to the first 10 signups) That’s a lot more than previous challenges!

What’s included:

  • 5 SGT workouts
  • 1 free workshop educating about the core
  • Weekly emails with solo workouts, recovery tips, and educational materials
  • SWAG (Challenge branded floor slides)
  • Progress check-in from start to finish (aka plank measure at beginning and compare to retest at end)
  • Access to an awesome community of like-minded people who want to improve their core strength!

How will I know if I succeed?

Success doesn’t look the same to everyone! For some, success could be increasing the amount of time they can hold a plank for! For others, success could look like  just coming to 5 regular workouts! No matter what YOU want to get out of it, let us know so we can support you through the entire 30 days! At the end, it’s only you that will determine if you succeeded – but WE THINK… just by signing up, you’re a winner.

What is Small Group Personal Training?

Small Group Personal Training in not a class! It’s just like One on One Personal Training although there may be multiple clients in the gym at the same time. Come anytime in the allotted time slot and workout at your own pace.

The Personal Trainers will design a workout for you based on your goals and fitness level and then make sure you know how do the exercises safely and correctly. OK, they may also make sure you are working hard enough (because that’s in Trainers DNA) but they will not push you beyond your current fitness level to the point of injury.

If there is availability during your workout we are also happy to discuss nutrition for weight loss or muscle gain, as well as give assistance on cardio workouts, stretching and foam rolling.

We want you to succeed and working-out consistently and effectively with Small Group Personal Training is a very affordable way to accomplish your goals.

What if I can't do Group Training or Meetups on Saturday?

Unfortunately, this year we are only offering Small Group on Saturdays. If you miss a workout, just make sure you do something that week to make up for it. I’ll be posting all the workouts and many of the exercises can be done at home. I can work with you if you need help with understanding an exercise.

What type of discounts am I offered if I want to become a Member?

If you sign up for the 30 day challenge, you qualify for a variety of specials on Membership and Personal Training Packages at Lloyd Athletic Club. One of the Fitness Managers can show you the specials.

What if I want one-on-one Personal Training?

Fantastic! We feel like this is really where you get the biggest bang for your buck. We have a variety of Personal Trainings on staff and working at the gym. You will have an opportunity to meet several of them during the challenge. We’ll make sure you get a chance to ask questions and see packages when you visit the gym.

$49 + 30

Commit yourself to 30 days of working with our trainers and joining a small group of motivated, health-conscious individuals like yourself.

There are no set diet parameters since this is a strength-focused challenge. There will be additional workouts sent to you each week so you can easily workout from home or at a facility. Everything we do for the next 30 days will set you up for success and strengthen your core!

All in all, the point here is to get you moving, get you thinking about your core in a new way – and provide you with some structure that will help you stay motivated to get strong and reduce any joint pain!